FREE Resources to Learn Marketing | Digital Marketing Courses and Certification
Saturday, 18 April 2020
by Zafer Hammour
Free resources to learn marketing in 2020, digital marketing courses and certifications. Marketing is booming and you can make a killing as a professional as a marketer. But if you’re trying to learn marketing by just Googling stuff, things are going to be very confusing. You’ll get conflicting advice from different websites and you’re just
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5 simple branding tips to attract more visitors
Thursday, 02 April 2020
by Zafer Hammour
How are you setting yourself apart from your competition? How do you want customers to remember you? Branding is an important part of building a sustainable website, no matter how new your site is. Here are five quick tips for building your brand, attracting more customers, and keeping them coming back for more. Add a
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